
  • MU SD Character

    Casual character of key class from the MU Online They still have the feeling of the game but they are smaller and cuter. Simplified character line, with around 6 different color variation, they will be suitable to use for any contents or products. Same game class characters as they have been recognized by users for 17 years, even the key point of the MU character, their wing, has also been added. Even to the non MU user, the character’s cute face would make them feel friendly



  • MU Online

    Released in 2001, MU Online is the world's first Full 3D dark fantasy MMORPG genre PC online game. It gained explosive popularity and at the same time as launching it was awarded the Excellence Prize of the 2001 Korea Game Awards sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Currently, based on 30-50 aged users, it proceeded 13th update, showing its steady popularity.




    1. Experience various contesnts with a variety setsComposed of story&art books, work sheets, various art materials, onlien platforms, mobile app, etc providing diverse contents.2. Learn to Humanities story through the abundant stories related to the subjectComposed of carious stories from philosophy, history, art, science and economy from the 13th to 20th centuries for the learning of complex chronological events and characters naturally.3. Enjoy the world history through cartoons easilyComposed of cartoons so children can learn about the people and events in history easily and enjoyably.4. Self-led learning contentsAcquire knowledge through the mobile app and online platform without a parents help and exhibit one's own work. 



  • Character


    This is a change.The basic type is a cat face.Flowers mean beauty, What clover means is hope, The meaning of the ribbon is a girl.This symbolizes the hearts of girls who love to change.



    FACECAT image
  • Zodiac Force

    네이버 번역기 : 네이버 통합검색 // 0) return true ; return false ; } function loadResourceInfo () { var a ="nx_res") ; if (a) { resourceInfo = a.split(',') ; } else { resourceInfo = new Array() ; } } function existResource (name, checkSum) { if (typeof resourceInfo === 'undefined') return false ; var a = name + "=" + checkSum ; for (var i = 0; i < resourceInfo.length; i++) { if (resourceInfo[i] == a) return true ; } return false ; } function getIndexResourceInfo (name) { if (typeof resourceInfo === 'undefined') return -1 ; var a = name + "=" ; for (var i = 0; i < resourceInfo.length; i++) { if (resourceInfo[i].indexOf(a) == 0) return i ; } return -1 ; } function setResourceInfo (name, checkSum) { var i = getIndexResourceInfo(name) ; var a = name + "=" + checkSum ; if (i >= 0) { resourceInfo[i] = a ; } else { resourceInfo.push(a) ; } updatedResource = true ; } function updatedResourceInfo () { return updatedResource ; } function saveResourceInfo () { var a = resourceInfo.toString() ;"nx_res", a, undefined, "") ; } function loadResource (url, name, checkSum, onLoad, onFallback) { try { var nameKey = "cn_" + name ; var dataKey = "cd_" + name ; if (url.indexOf("//") != 0) { url = urlexpand(url) ; } for test css/js if (g_D > 0 && (^ ||^w*://([^:/?]*.|)*naver.(?:net|com)/) == -1 ||^w*:// { onFallback(url, nameKey, dataKey) ; return ; } if (!window.localStorage) { onFallback(url, nameKey, dataKey) ; return ; } var lsName = window.localStorage.getItem(nameKey) ; var lsData = window.localStorage.getItem(dataKey) ; if (lsName == url && lsData) { if (getIndexResourceInfo(name) == -1) setResourceInfo(name, checkSum) ; onLoad(lsName, lsData) ; return ; } var oAjax ; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { oAjax = new window.XMLHttpRequest ;"GET", url, false) ; oAjax.send() ; if (oAjax.readyState == 4) { if (oAjax.status == 200) { var resData = oAjax.responseText ; if (isValid(resData)) { window.localStorage.setItem(nameKey, url) ; window.localStorage.setItem(dataKey, resData) ; setResourceInfo(name, checkSum) ; onLoad(url, resData) ; + ":s") ; } else { onFallback(url + (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? 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rs += "&ts=" + timeStr; rs += "&EOU"; var obj = (new Image()); obj.src = rs; obj.onload = function() { obj.onload = null; return; } } catch(e) { return; } } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", function() { lcs_do({"pid": "TnN6HspySDosssHqZfCssssss/d-461373"}) }, false) ; else lcs_do({"pid": "TnN6HspySDosssHqZfCssssss/d-461373"}) ; // ]]> // 5) return ; var elem = $Element('content') ; if (! elem) return ; var child = elem.child() ; for (var i = 0; i < child.length; i++) { if (child[i].hasClass('section') && !child[i].hasClass('nx_no_control')) { if (!child[i].visible()) child[i].show() ; } } if (this.renderCount++ > 5) displayControlFuncObject.detach(window, 'scroll') ; } } ; displayControlFuncObject = $Fn(displayControlObject.func, displayControlObject) ; displayControlFuncObject.attach(window, 'scroll') ; // ]]> // ZODIAC FORCE, the latest graphic language, refers to the " eumyang " and " komik, " which is a testament to the notion of " gi, " and " The Environme



    Zodiac Force image
  • Amipain(Fortune Bread Chatbot Character)

    A fun episode of Amipain characters who love bread. Meet the funny chatbot that conveys your lucky message.Fortune Bread ChatBot Amipain can be found on Facebook Messenger.Amipain is doing its global business with the world's first chatbot-based character IP.



    Amipain(Fortune Bread Chatbot Character) image
    Amipain(Fortune Bread Chatbot Character) image
    Amipain(Fortune Bread Chatbot Character) image
  • Character


    Content - JALU With matted hair Jalu is an extremely odd girl who might make an exit any time A little extreme and more than a little surprising she is an accident-prone cutie who is true to her feelings. Although she doesn't have friends, she never feels like the odd one out. odd girl Jalu, she is just talking with Miu. It's her 12th her birthday party. Although nobody comes over to greet her, Jalu isn't lonely.   Jalu & Mio invite you to join us in funny loser's story...    



    JALU image
    JALU image
    JALU image
  • Cloud Services

    Since Ncloud 24(Well Data System) has started his cloud service in 2011 as a KT ucloud biz reseller, Ncloud 24 showed much different business results with its high-end infra managed technology from hosting and colocation service. Currently, Ncloud 24 is operating five of specialized cloud portal sites by segment. It is KT ucloud(, AWS(www. ncloud24. com/aws), Government & public(, English portal(www., IBM Softlayer(www. scloud24. com) as well as two of cloud console site( and In addition, Ncloud 24 plan to open Chinese cloud portal, named in this quarter. At this exhibition, Ncloud 24 will show two of cloud portal sites ; portal) and, which is KT ucloud-based. “” is used and preferred from India, Malaysia and Indonesia which has much credibility at KT’s ICT capability and experiences. And “” also shows high expectation from current customers of Ncloud 24 in global market.




    Alpha war between humans and robots was over by class agreements. And A.I robot age is here. The result of class agreement is the DUBI and DUBA. They couldn’t copy human shape. So they were made to animal shape not human shape. And yet their nature want to copy human behavior.



    AI ROBOT DUBI & DUBA image
    AI ROBOT DUBI & DUBA image
    AI ROBOT DUBI & DUBA image
  • RebirthM

    Best Global Mobile MMORPG !!Experience the battle and fantasy in a vast open world.Be a Hero and dominate the with your play! ■ Enjoy the Real-Time online play.Experience the high-quality full 3D graphics, and vast open world that allows you to fight in real-time!Enjoy the perfect MMORPG with millions of people anywhere, anytime. ■ Explore the vast open field and PK battle field.Experience the real-time open field PvP battle in PK zone!1vs1 duel match is also possible without any disturbance.You can make a party with a stranger in the field and share the trophy. ■ COMMUNITY & GUILDSYou can experience huge community through world, area, guild chat..Join the guild and enjoy the 20vs20 huge scale battle with your guild.Conquer the other camp with strategic!Dozens of guild members can fight furiously at the same time.



    RebirthM image
  • Rogue Universe

    Experience the upgraded mobile strategy game! Chemistry between active introduction of horizontal expansion factor of mobile RPG and the fun of resource management and social play brings out the perfection. Get aboard your awesome fleet with your elite crew members designed by famous artists! Feel the thrill of discovering the universe. The adventure is all yours. 




    Titipo Titipo Series : 2018, 2020 / 26 episodes 11 mins x 2 seasons / 3DCG Train Center’s new born little train TITIPO has just passed the driving examination and is prepared to work at the Train Village. Although TITIPO dreams of becoming the best train in the world, his curious yet random personality catches him in unforeseen events and troubles everyday. TITIPO expands his experience in the greater world and befriends GENIE, DIESEL, and other little trains. Will TITIPO achieve his dream of becoming the best train? Come join the railroad journey and meet TITIPO and the little train friends.



이전 다음
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  • SAT

Playwith are as a KOSDAQ listed gaming company, established in 1984, with three overseas offices (North America, South America, Taiwan) and its own game studio, developing games specifically for PC Online and Mobile / publishing. His major works are the seals and Rohan Online, Lohan is currently developing a reboot of the last works and new mobile games.


BLUESIDE has a philosophy to create a game that apart from being a regional, gender, generation, value impress anybody around the world who feel the fun. Under this philosophy and objectives Blue Side of the Kingdom Under Fire series has been developed as a game console such as Xbox, Xbox360 has received a lot of love from North America, Europe, Asia and many gamers in South Korea.


After starting its business in 2004, FLYING PIG is now opening a new chapter with its passion for animation and creativity. In this age of change and reinvention of digital contents, we promise to provide you with differentiated contents and upgraded technology.

  • France Annecy Animation Festival - MIFA Korean Pavilion